The Copy Write Girl

Copy Writing Samples
By: The Copy Write Girl

"We must believe in the power and strength of our words because our words can change the world."
- Malala Yousafzai
Blog POst
Excerpt from January 2024 Blog
The beginning of a new year rings in aspirations of accomplishing new goals. It's like resetting the clock, leaving part of your old self behind, and bringing forth a version of you eager to make changes and improvements. For many, it's the opportunity to get back on track with their habits by creating new ones that will lead them to better outcomes, most commonly their health. One trend that millions of Americans are hopping on board with is Dry January, where individuals are committing to a 30-day reset by putting down their alcoholic beverages in hopes of starting the year off on the right foot. In fact, supporters all over are hopping on social media to share their experiences and to invite others to enjoy the many benefits of taking the month of January off from drinking alcohol. In 2023 alone, more than 260 million Americans pledged to take part in Dry January in hopes of detoxing and supporting their body. Whether participating in Dry January or just trying to give your body a healthy reset after the holiday season, everyone can benefit from this 30-day reset that truthfully can be done any month of the year. Here are some reasons why giving your body a 30-day reset is a great way to start the new year and how detoxifying teas and mocktails can boost your overall experience. Better Sleep Ever experienced a restless night of sleep? Taking a pause from alcohol allows the body to get into the deepest sleep pattern called Rapid Eye Movement, or REM sleep, so your body can heal, restore, and repair during the night. As you watch your favorite TV show before bed, you may want to swap your glass of wine for a cup of zen chamomile tea or our handcrafted Deep Sleep tea blend to help you melt away the stress from the day and allow your body to unwind before curling up under the covers. More Energy Whether you're drinking a glass of wine, sipping a martini, or enjoying an ice-cold beer, drinking alcohol is a natural sedative, causing your body's energy to be more lethargic. As you progress through Dry January, not only are you skipping out on your favorite alcoholic beverage, but you're allowing your gut to rest. Naturally, your liver and gut will detox, resulting in a more alert and energized body. On top of that, you'll have the energy and stamina to participate in additional fitness activities and keep up with life's day-to-day routine. If you need a little pick-me-up to sip throughout the day, we cannot say enough great things about our signature Detox Blend. Not only is it known for giving you that midday boost, but its cleansing and detoxifying properties to help support liver function are why we give it two thumbs up! Reduce Inflammation Setting aside alcohol for an entire month helps the body to reduce overall inflammation, which, as we all know, can lead to a variety of health-related conditions. Eliminating it from your daily routine, even for just 30 days, positively reduces the impact of free radicals on your body and gives the gut time to start to repair and heal. Many teas naturally have anti-inflammatory properties, which is one reason why they have been so popular throughout history. With this in mind, we highly suggest saying "yes" to a warm cup of ginger tea, a turmeric latte, or even chamomile tea. Improve Blood Pressure Individuals who have participated in Dry January in the past have shared that in just 30 short days, their blood pressure lowered as a result of swapping alcohol for other drinks of choice. At Cultivate Tea and Spice Company, we have two powerhouse teas, hibiscus tea and green tea, that are on a mission to do just that. Due to the antioxidants in both teas, they are specifically known for supporting the heart and lowering blood pressure. Now, that is something to toast to! Weight Loss Shedding a few extra pounds is always one of the top New Year's resolutions across the globe. For those who followed through on their 30-day reset, kicking those sugary and high-calorie alcoholic drinks to the curb has resulted in weight loss on various levels based on each person's overall lifestyle. Feeling better in your favorite pair of jeans again or buttoning up those pants hidden in the back of your closet makes it worth the beverage swap. We encourage those who want to maximize their results to drink a cup of Oolong Tea, Black tea, or white tea daily. Ready to make the swap? Here are a few mocktails to which we would raise our glasses, and we think you will, too! Not only will your taste buds say thank you, but so will the rest of your body.

Monthly Newsletters
Excerpt from June 2022 Newsletter
Life is funny! We're all very familiar that vehicles need to be serviced or scheduled for maintenance on a regular basis. On a similar note, musical instruments require tune ups and adjustments so they stay in tune and can perform optimally. Your body is the exact same way! In order for you look and feel your best, you too, need to make sure you are scheduling your very own routine "maintenance." While you may be thinking that you're feeling ok or that nothing is bothering you, I'd like to challenge you. First of all, why wait until your body starts showing you symptoms? Symptoms are your body's alert system or "check engine light" to let you know something is not quite right. It's much easier to correct something before the problem grows bigger and bigger. Whether you've seen us in recent months, or you've let some time pass, we'd love to see you and check in.
Through Quantum Nutrition testing we'll check all the systems in your body to see which ones are working well and which ones are in need of some fine tuning. Then, we will determine what might be causing your body unnecessary stress. Give us a call at 407-682-8444 or email us at to schedule your next appointment so we can make sure you're body is singing a happy melody.

Be.You-Tiful Babe BloG
Box of Limiting Beliefs
In a world filled with so much potential and opportunity, we often find ourselves trapped in a box. It’s not a real box, but one that we’ve created in our mind. I like to call this box our “limiting beliefs.” Most of us have big goals, ambitions, and dreams to be, do, and have more! Yet, we find ourselves staying put in our comfort zone. This keeps us living in mediocrity, something I like to call “living by default!”
It’s time for you to confront your box of limiting beliefs and design the life you want to life! What’s holding you back? Why won’t you take the next step towards what you want in life? Is it finances? Are you concerned about what others will think or say? Or is it simply the unknown of leaving what’s unfamiliar? Maybe it’s the fear of failure?
I have a news flash for you!
You’ll never know the outcome unless you take the next step. On top of that, if you never take that first or next step, you are guaranteed to fail!
One of my favorite sayings was coined by a philosopher named Thomas Carlyle. It states, “Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see further.” It’s time to take that leap of faith and start designing your life through the choices you make! Otherwise, you’ll continue to live in your box of limiting beliefs.

Essential Thyme Blog
One Of My Kitchen “Must Haves”
Cooking these days can be lots of fun, especially when you have electronics and gadgets to help you out around the kitchen. Besides, who likes to get messy (or hot and sweaty) as you try to mash, stir, mix, or blend the ingredients in your recipe.
A few years ago for my birthday my mom and dad gave me a Cuisinart hand-held immersion mixer. While they know I love to cook, I must admit I wasn't so sure how I'd use this gadget or more importantly IF I'd ever use it?!?! My thought was, "I'd gone this long without one why do I really need it?"
Now, I am singing a totally different tune!! Let me tell you, not only do I use this baby, but it gets used on a regular basis in my home.
If you've never tried one, I'd highly recommend considering getting one or asking for one for an upcoming holiday or birthday. It is so handy and easy to use!
Some of my favorite things to make with the hand-held immersion blender are homemade hummus, salad dressings, sauces, blending up ingredients in soups, pureeing foods, mixing up batter, and even making homemade pesto. Rather than using a blender that may be too large in some cases, this nifty tool is just the right size for small mixing tasks. Now is the time to try something new and begin “mixing” things up in your life…or at least in your kitchen!
Erin Margaret
Picasso Moves IN
Excerpt from Chapter 1:
As the children ate their favorite pizza, pepperoni and sausage, Mom flipped through the mail that Lilly left on the counter. She browsed through the sale flyers, bills, and catalogs. All of a sudden, a small blue envelope caught her attention. It was addressed to Jack and Lilly.
“That’s odd,” said Mom. “The two of you have a piece of mail!”
“Really?” Jack said. “Who’s it from?”
“Well, I’m not sure,” responded Mom.
“Can I open it?” Lilly asked.
“But, I want to!” Jack complained.
“Lilly asked first,” Mom replied. “Besides, I don’t see why she can’t.”
Mom handed over the piece of mail. Lilly proceeded to carefully open the blue envelope and unfold the tightly pressed paper that was enclosed inside. She then began reading the letter aloud.

“This is SO cool! I’ve always wanted a parrot!” cried Lilly. "Me too! Wait until I tell my friends,” Jack quickly added. “Do you think he can talk?” “Picasso,” Lilly added. “His name is Picasso! Of course he can talk! Don’t all parrots talk?” “Most parrots talk, but we will just have to wait and see about Picasso,” Dad said as he took another bite of his veggie pizza. “I will call Mr. Miller tomorrow to see if we can get his travel arrangements set up.” Dad continued to add, “I always had so much fun with Great Aunt Faye as a young boy when she would come visit us from Chicago. As you know, she was an artist. She would bring her paints, brushes, and canvases with her so I could paint.” “That sounds like fun! I love to paint!” squealed Lilly. Dad carried on. “The two of you are her youngest living relatives. I am sure she thought you two would take great care of Picasso. I am really going to miss her. You two are very lucky to inherit her parrot!” “We know, Dad!” Jack said as he finished his last bite of pizza. As bedtime approached, Jack and Lilly finished their homework, put on their pajamas, brushed their teeth, and crawled into bed. The two of them shared bunk beds in the same room. Jack climbed the ladder to the top as Lilly flopped down on the bottom bed. Mom came in to tell them goodnight and turned off the lights, but neither of them could fall asleep. “Jack?” Lilly whispered. “What?” Jack responded. “Are you asleep?” asked Lilly. “No, Silly. I’m talking to you,” replied Jack to his slightly annoying little sister. “If I am talking to you, then of course I am not asleep.” “Do you think Picasso will like us?” Lilly asked. “I hope so,” he added. “Man, I can’t wait! All of my friends are going to think I am so cool to have a bird that can talk. No one else’s dogs, cats, or even snakes can talk. Maybe we can even play tricks on Mr. Smith’s cat next door?” Lilly giggled. “Yeah, maybe I can even paint his toenails?” “That’s ridiculous!” said Jack. “Parrots don’t have toenails. They have talons.” “Well, then maybe I can paint his talons!” insisted Lilly. “Good luck!” Jack said. “Besides, Picasso is a boy.” “So.” Lilly said as she continued to pester Jack. The two of them continued to argue back and forth until Lilly began to yawn. “All I can say is that I can’t wait to have a pet parrot,” Lilly stated. “Me too!” replied her brother. The two children eventually turned over, closed their eyes, and fell asleep. They knew, the sooner they fell asleep, the sooner they would find out about Picasso’s arrival.
How to Train Your Genie Workbook
This captivating audio and workbook series teaches individuals 9-99 years of age in a fun and engaging manner. Within the 20-audio series, learners will be introduced to many of life's valuable lessons on mindset, accountability, determination, and grit. Below is a downloadable version from chapter 5.

Brave TV Blog
Box of Limiting Beliefs
In a world filled with so much potential and opportunity, we often find ourselves trapped in a box. It’s not a real box, but one that we’ve created in our mind. I like to call this box our “limiting beliefs.” Most of us have big goals, ambitions, and dreams to be, do, and have more! Yet, we find ourselves staying put in our comfort zone. This keeps us living in mediocrity, something I like to call “living by default!”
It’s time for you to confront your box of limiting beliefs and design the life you want to life! What’s holding you back? Why won’t you take the next step towards what you want in life? Is it finances? Are you concerned about what others will think or say? Or is it simply the unknown of leaving what’s unfamiliar? Maybe it’s the fear of failure?
I have a news flash for you!
You’ll never know the outcome unless you take the next step. On top of that, if you never take that first or next step, you are guaranteed to fail!
One of my favorite sayings was coined by a philosopher named Thomas Carlyle. It states, “Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see further.” It’s time to take that leap of faith and start designing your life through the choices you make! Otherwise, you’ll continue to live in your box of limiting beliefs.

Monthly promotional postcards

Essential Thyme Landing Page
Discover the Difference Cooking with Essential Oils Makes
Anyone here like to eat? Do you consider yourself a foodie? Got several little mouths asking, "what's in the house to eat"? Welcome to the wonderful world of cooking with (and eating) your incredible Young Living Vitality oils!
I've had such a blast pairing essential oils with some of my favorite recipes and believe now is the "thyme" to spice up your life and the foods you eat. Besides, we could all benefit from adding a little extra flavor, zip, and flair to our lives. Am I right??
Here's where I come in!
My mission is to keep things simple and to make your life just a little bit easier. I literally walk you through each step along the way showing you how to get the most out of your essential oils in your kitchen. Because time is EVERYTHING! Whether you’re cooking for one or have many mouths to feed, we all want foods that are simple, healthy, and of course delicious!
So, what's the big deal about consuming essential oils? Let me tell you…there are a whole lot of health benefits bottled up inside those tiny brown bottles. Essential oils support every system in your body from your immune system, digestive system, and even your hormones and endocrine system. Whoo hoo! When you add these ever-so-amazing essential oils to the foods you eat, you get the most out of your meals.
Check out Essential Thyme Online for some incredibly tasty recipes, cooking tips, and added bonuses of how to look and feel your best.

Youthr!ve Blog
5 Words to Never Ever Let Your Kids Say
Change your words and change your outcomes! It is amazing how powerful our words can be and the effect words have on the results in our life. What we say makes a crucial impact on the reality of our lives. Imagine if you had been taught from the time you were young the power of your words. What do you think would be different in your life? Below are 5 words that are common words in most people’s everyday language. These words hinder people from attaining the results they want in life. I challenge you to eliminate these words from your language and at the same time make sure these words stay out of your kid’s vocabulary. Change your words and change both your outcomes and your kid’s!
1. DON’T
Start paying attention to how many times you use the word don’t. I don’t want to clean my room. I don’t want to go to the store. I don’t want to go to work. Instead of saying “I don’t want chicken for dinner,” all you have to do is say, “I want steak for dinner.” Your brain hears chicken in the first example and steak in the second example, so make sure you are telling your brain exactly what you want.
Replace it with: Instead of using the word don’t, actually say what you do want.
Hate is a very powerful word that has a very strong and negative connotation attached to it. Do you want more things in your life that you hate or do you want more things in your life that you love? Instead of talking about the things you hate, start talking about the things you like and love. The more you focus on things you appreciate in your life the more life will give you things to appreciate.
Replace it with: “I love…” or “I like…”
When you say things like “I never remember people’s names when I first meet them” or “I always forget where I left my keys,” guess what you are going to continue to do! Get rid of those words and I guarantee you will get rid of those habits.
Replace it with: “I would benefit from…” or “I am going to practice…”
We NEED water, food, shelter, and love. We do not need to go shopping and we do not need to go for a run. Would going grocery shopping make it easier to cook dinner, yes. Would going for a run help your health, yes. But you do not NEED to do the majority of things in life.
Replace it with: “I want ….” or “I would benefit from …”
This is a word you just want to get rid of all together! When you say things like “I miss you” or “I miss the days when I could eat as much as I wanted” you are dwelling on the lack of something. Stop thinking about the lack of and start being grateful for the abundance in your life. Watch the changes that start naturally occurring in your life when you do!
Replace it with: (Just get rid of it!)
What other words are you eliminating from your vocabulary or are cautious about using? Comment below.